To ensure your study away transfer credits appear on your Duke transcript, follow the process outlined below. If you have questions about your transcript or reconciling transfer credits, please contact GEO at

Process For Duke Students

Graduating? Your graduation date can be affected if study away transcripts are not received and credit transfers are not completed by specified graduation deadlines.

It is your responsibility to secure a course approval for every course for which you plan to request transfer credit.

No underloads or overloads are permitted. See Course Load page for more information.

Even though your transfer course grades will not factor into your Duke GPA, the Registrar will only award credit if you have met the following requirements:

  • You must take all courses for a grade. You cannot take Pass/Fail.
  • You must take a full course load as defined by Duke GEO.
  • You must earn the U.S. equivalent of C- or higher.
  • You must take courses that are equivalent to a minimum of 3 U.S. semester hours each.
  • All courses must meet for a minimum of 4 weeks and 35 contact hours.
  • No online or hybrid courses are allowed. All courses must be 100% face-to-face learning.

Credit cannot be added to your Duke transcript until you provide a host institution or School of Record transcript. Generally, programs will not send a transcript automatically, you have to request one. Contact the institution and request that an official transcript reflecting your courses and final grades be sent by email to

Transcripts may also be sent by postal mail to:

Global Education Office
Duke University
Box 90057
Durham, NC 27708-0057 USA

  • GEO staff will work with the Duke University Registrar’s Office to transfer your course credits to your Duke transcript.
  • GEO will follow up with you by email if further clarification is needed and/or when the process is complete.
  • In DukeHub, a placeholder “REG 100 Study Away” will appear until your courses have been approved.
  • Once approved, your transfer courses should appear in DukeHub with a “TR” or “TR*” designation.

Process For Non-Duke Students

When you enroll in a Duke-Administered study away program, you will be registered at Duke as a non-degree student and you will receive credits and grades as if the courses had been taken on Duke’s Durham, North Carolina campus. Upon successful completion of the program, grades and credits are posted to your Duke transcript.

It is your responsibility to work with your home institution to transfer the credits from your Duke transcript back to your school. Contact for assistance with obtaining syllabi for Duke courses.

Contact the Duke University Registrar to arrange for a Duke transcript to be sent to your home institution at the completion of the program. Transcripts will not be sent automatically by any of the Duke-Administered programs. Only you may request transcripts from the Duke University Registrar.

All non-Duke students studying on Duke-Administered programs pay a $120 one-time, lifetime transcript fee.

For the courses you take at another university, the approval process is twofold:

  1. First, you’ll have to obtain approval from Duke to put the course on your Duke transcript. See: Course Approval Process.
  2. Second, you’ll have to obtain approval from your home university to transfer the course back to your home university’s transcript via the Duke transcript.

To assist non-Duke students studying on a hybrid credit program with credit transfer, our office will make available at semester’s end a Duke transcript with Duke and transfer credits listed, a transcript from the foreign university with grades listed, and, by request, a Duke conversion of the grades listed on the foreign university transcript.

For assistance with your Duke transcript, please contact