The Duke University Global Education Office (GEO) is committed to inclusion on its study away programs. We work closely with Duke’s Disability Access and Accommodation Services (DAAS) to help students with disabilities request and receive approved reasonable accommodations on study away programs to the extent that they can be arranged, taking into account challenges that might arise due to the program being in a foreign setting.   

We cannot guarantee that every Duke-Approved accommodation can be implemented in every program location.

It takes time and planning to arrange accommodations abroad. If you need assistance identifying programs and/or program locations that may fit your individual needs, you should reach out to a GEO advisor as early as possible. Advisors can help you explore all of your options, determine the feasibility of offering particular accommodations in particular program locations, and help arrange accommodations if needed and available.

If it should become apparent at any point in this process that your preferred program/program location cannot reasonably accommodate your specific needs, we will work with you to explore other program options that may fit both your interests and needs.

Information for Duke Students

Already registered with Duke DAAS

Duke students who are planning to study away via a Duke-Administered program, Duke-Approved program, or Petition Program should ensure they are registered to receive accommodations at Duke through the DAAS. The following steps will occur for all registered students:

In the Accommodations Portal, request your accommodations letter be sent to GEO at If your accommodation includes a single room request, it must be received within 2 weeks of acceptance. GEO will do our best to honor requests made after this deadline.

  1. The DAAS will email an accommodation letter to GEO and copy you. GEO will then connect you with the GEO Program Manager of your program. This individual will serve as the disability liaison with the study away program in question and will assist the DAAS in the coordination and implementation of accommodations where available.
  2. It is imperative that you and the GEO Program Manager discuss your specific accommodations if you have any concerns as to whether your accommodation(s) can be met while studying away from Duke. Do not assume that any or all accommodations can be offered/arranged.
  3. After the GEO Program Manager receives your accommodation letter from our office, they will provide this letter to the designated individual(s) at the institution/program you will be attending, or will assist you in contacting the designated individual(s) at the institution/program you will be attending.
  4. You may be required to “register” with the host institution or their disability office. If this is requested of you, please follow the instructions provided by the GEO Program Manager and/or host institution. In some cases, you will need to provide documentation, not only from Duke but also from your medical provider. If needed, you may need to confer with your designated GEO Program Manager for clarification as to next steps.  

Not yet registered with Duke DAAS

Duke students who are planning to study away via a Duke-Administered, Duke-Approved, or Petition Program and who are not already registered to receive accommodations at Duke through the DAAS, will first need to request accommodations through Duke DAAS. Once you have received notification that your requested accommodations have been reviewed and approved by DAAS, you will go through the steps outlined above under "Already Registered with DAAS". 

If you have any questions or concerns throughout this process, please reach out to

If you develop a new need for access or functional needs accommodations, please seek out the assistance of the program on which you are studying. 

Information for Non-Duke Students Studying on Duke-Administered Programs

Non-Duke students may request accommodations on a Duke-Administered program by  requesting accommodations from the Duke DAAS. Once you are notified that your requested accommodations have been approved, the DAAS will send GEO a letter outlining the accommodations you are eligible to receive while on the Duke-Administered study away program. GEO will then work with you, DAAS, and your program director to explore possible accommodations.

If you have any questions or concerns throughout this process, please reach out to