Make sure you complete all the necessary steps to return to campus the following semester. The GEO Student Handbook is a great place to start.

Reconcile Transfer Credit

Be sure you’ve completed all the steps to reconcile any transfer credit.

Reflect & Connect

Now is also a good time to reflect on your experience. Consider some kind of self-assessment of your experience:

You may feel that your time away from campus flew by, but there are a number of ways you can stay connected to your experience and continue reaping the benefits of the skills and knowledge you gained. Here are just a few suggestions:

  • Share your experience with your Duke peers: 
  • Apply to work in the Global Education Office as a Peer Advisor.
  • Enroll in a course related to your host country or region.
  • Enroll in a language course at Duke.
  • Join a language conversation group or relevant student organization on campus.
  • Engage with media from your host country.
  • Consider returning to your host country to travel, research, or to further your studies.